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9. Carl Wyndcliff, «Stories of Famous Authors» (London, UK: Congreve and Company Limited, 1922), 173.
10. Richard St. Barbe Baker, «Dog Sense», «Dogs That Serve», сост. L. G. Cashmore (London, UK: George Ronald, 1960), 31.
11. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, «Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals» (London, UK: Hutchinson, 1999), 12-14 и 257-271.

К главе первой
1. Warren D. Thomas, Daniel Kaufman, «Elephant Midwives, Parrot Duets and Other Intriguing Facts from the Animal Kingdom» (London, UK: Robson Books, 1991), 86.
2. R. McNeill Alexander, «Animal Mechanics» (Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1983), 277-278.
3. Sarah Heath, «Why Does My Cat ...?» (London, UK: Souvenir Press Limited, 1993), 129.
4. Gary Brodsky, «The Mind of the Cat» (Stamford, Conn.: Longmeadow Press, 1990), 32.
5. Warren D. «Thomas and Daniel Kaufman, Elephant Midwives», Parrot Duets and Other Intriguing Facts from the Animal Kingdom, 58.
6. Там же, 58.
7. John Downer, «Supersense» (New York, N.Y.: Henry Holt and Company, Inc., 1988), 8.
8. Там же, 25.
9. Warren D. «Thomas and Daniel Kaufman, Elephants' Midwives, Parrot Duets and Other Intriguing Facts from the Animal Kingdom», 86-87.
10. James L. Gould, Carol Grant Gould, «The Animal Mind» (New York, N.Y.: Scientific American Library, 1994), 71-72.
11. Rolf Harris, «Tall Animal Tales» (London, UK: Headline Book Publishing, 2000), 213.
12. Martin Ebon, «Prophecy in Our Time» (New York, N.Y.: The New American Library, Inc., 1968), 174.
13. A. H. Crowther, «The Mysterious Warning / Authentic Stories of Intelligence in Animals, collected by Geoffrey Hodson» (Auckland, NZ: The Council of Combined Animal Welfare Organizations of New Zealand, n.d.), 49.
14. John J. Kohut, Roland Sweet, «Strange Tails: All-Too-True News from the Animal Kingdom» (New York, N.Y.: Penguin Putnam, Inc., 1999), 34.
15. Diodorus of Sicily (в 12 томах), пер. Charles L. Sherman (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1952), Volume 7, 81-89.
16. Плиний Старший, «Естественная история» 2, 84.
17. D. de Dolomieu, «Memoire sur les tremblements de terre de la Calbre pendant l'annee 1783» (Rome, Italy, 1784), 131-133.
18. Журнал «Time» (24 января 1977): 26.
19. Helmut Tributsch, «When the Snakes Awake: Animals and Earthquake Prediction» (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1982), 64-65 and 234-235.
20. Stuart Gordon, «The Paranormal: An Illustrated Encyclopedia» (London, UK: Headline Book Publishing Plc., 1992), 23.
21. Stan Gooch, «The Secret Life of Humans» (London, UK: J. M. Dent&Sons Limited, 1981), 106-107.

К главе второй
1. M. Oldfield Howey, «The Cat in Magic, Mythology, and Religion» (New York, N.Y.: Crescent Books, 1989), 198. (Первоначально издано Rider and Company, London, под названием «The Cat in the Mysteries of Religion and Magic».)
2. «Purrfectly Wonderful Way to Be Healthy», анонимная статья в «The New Zealand Herald», 20 марта 2001.
3. Richard Webster, «Dowsing for Beginners» (St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications, 1996), 107-108.
4. M. Oldfield Howey, «The Cat in Magic, Mythology, and Religion», 202-203.