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Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 1954.

Персональные сообщения о случаях духовного кризиса
Armstrong, A. «The Challenge of Psychic Opening: A Personal Story». InSpiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis,edited by S. Grof and C. Grof. Los Angeles: Jeremy P.Tarcher, 1989.
Courtois, F.An Experience of Enlightenment.Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1986.
Hakuin, «Yasenkanna.» InThe Tiger`s Cave,edited and translated by Trevor Leggett. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977.
Steinfeld, N. «Surviving the Chaos of Something Extraordinary.»Shamans Drum, 4(1986): 22–27.
Tweedie, I.The Chasm of Fire: A Woman“ s Experience of Liberation through the Teaching of Sufi Master.The Old Brewery, Tisbury, Wiltshire: Element Books, 1979.

Методы терапии, используемые при духовных кризисах
Assagioli, R.Psychosynthesis.New York: Penguin, 1976.
Cassou, M.The Painting Experience.Videotape, Can be obtained from Michell Cassou, The Painting Experience, 2101 20th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94116.
Garfield, P.Creative Dreaming.New York: Ballantine, 1974.
Grof, S.The Adventure of Self-Discovery.Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Hannah, B.Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination.As developed by C.G. Jung, Sigo Press, Santa Monica, Calif., 1981.
Kalff, D.Sandplay: A Mirror of a Child“ s Psyche.San Francisco: Hendra&Howard, 1971.
Mindell, A.Dreambody: The Body“ Role in Revealing Itself.Santa Monica, Calif., Sigo Press, 1982.
— Working with the Dreambody.London and New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.
Perls, F.The Gestalt Approach and Eye-Witness to Therapy.New York: Bantam, 1976.
Ram Dass and P.Gorman.How Can I help?New York: Knopf, 1985.
Singer, J.Boundaries of the Soul: The Practice of Jung“ s Psychology.
Garden City, New York: Anchor/Doubleday, 1972.
Small, J.Becoming Naturally Therapeutic.Austin, Tex.: Eupsichian Press, 1981.
— Transformers: The Therapists of the Future.Marina del Rey, Calif.: DeVorss, 1982.
Vaughan, F.The Invard Arc: Healing and Wholeness in Psychotherapy and Spirituality.Boston and London: New Science Library/Shambhala, 1985.

Духовное самораскрытие и глобальный кризис
Aurobindo, SriThe Mind of Light.New York: Dutton, 1971.
Friedman, W. «Toward a psychology of Peace: A Study in Global Psychosynthesis». InReadings in Psychosynthesis: Theory, Process and Practice,edited by J. Weiser and T, Yeoman. Toronto: Depatment of Applied Psychology/Ontario Institite for Studies in Education, 1985.
Grof, S., ed.Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution.Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Grosso, M.The Final Stage.Walpole, N.H.: Stillpoint, 1985.
Perry, J.W.The Heart of History: Individuality in Evolution.Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1987.
Russell, P.The Global Brain,Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1983.
Teilhard de Chardin, P.The Phenomenon of Man.New York: Harper and Row, 1959.
Walsh, R.Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival.Boulder, Colo.: Shambhala, 1984.